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Master's Degree Programme in Risk Management and Circular Economy (Natural Resources)

Master of Natural Resources

Degree title:
Master of Natural Resources

60 ects

Qualification Awarded and the Level of Qualification

The qualification awarded is Master of Natural resources. The programme corresponds to the competence framework described in European Qualification Framework (EQF) and the National Quality Framework (NQF). The master’s degree corresponds to the competence level 7.

Contact Information

Pauliina Mansikkamäki
Head of Degree Programme

Special Admission Requirements

Master's degree is designed for people who have the minimum of a Bachelor’s degree at and at least two years of work experience in a relevant field after graduation. General admission criteria see TAMK’s websites.

Recognition of Prior Learning

Credit transfer allows the student to apply for recognition of previous higher education to the studied degree, if they meet the competence objectives of the degree programme.
Credit transfer follows the specific policies and procedures of TAMK.

Profile of the Programme

Climate change, the loss of biodiversity and over-consumption of raw materials requires professionals of a new kind with awareness of planetary boundaries, a solution-centric and change-agent’s mindset to lead the change towards a more sustainable future.

The Master's Degree in Risk Management and Circular Economy (RiMCE) brings together students with diverse educational, professional, and cultural backgrounds. Collaborative learning in multidisciplinary and intercultural teams give students competence valued in modern working life.

RiMCE programme focus on specialized knowledge of the circular economy theories, principles, and practices and how circular economy and risk management are interconnected. The studies focus on circular economy value chains and the consumer engagement in circularity actions as well as sustainability measurement tools (e.g. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)) for the development of more sustainable products and services.

During the studies the students build a financial mindset and learn to utilize agile and lean development methodologies and design thinking for development in circular economy business. RiMCE studies focus also on the innovation pipeline process and the roles of stakeholders in sustainable business openings in the company context and the role of leadership and communication when pursuing sustainability.

Key Learning Outcomes

Circular economy challenges the traditional linear economy “take - make - dispose”. According to Ellen MacArthur Foundation “A circular economy is based on the principles of designing out waste and pollution, keeping products and materials in use, and regenerating natural systems”.

Closing the loops requires thorough managerial, professional, and strategic thinking of how to design products, processes and services and what kind of material and models should be used to achieve sustainability goals. For more radical change to happen, a paradigm shift is needed in the way things and whole systems are being designed.

After graduation from RiMCE students can:
1. apply up-to-date knowledge of circular economy and risk management into their work and professional development
2. identify, assess, and prioritize risks in different contexts
3. develop circular economy value chains and the consumer engagement issues
4. apply sustainability measurement tools (e.g. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)) for the development of more sustainable products and services
5. utilize agile and lean development methodologies and design thinking for development in circular economy business
6. collaborate and co create in multidisciplinary and intercultural teams and communicate responsibly and effectively both in different contexts

Studying in an international atmosphere gives students unique possibilities to gain the confidence to work in different working environments, both as a team member and independently, all around the world.

Occupational Profiles of Graduates with Examples

This Master's programme provides specialists that have expertise in risk management and circular economy principles and practices. Graduates will be able to apply and use LCA, sustainability and risk management measures to ensure products and services.

Access to Further Studies

The degree is Master of Natural Resources. It produces the same eligibility for public offices as a Master’s degree from a university. The student may also apply for doctoral studies at a university.

Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading

Assessment of completed courses is based on TAMK’s assessment criteria. The teaching and assessment methods are agreed on with the students at the beginning of each course. The detailed information and criteria can be found in the course implementation plan. TAMK’s degree regulations are followed in implementation and assessment.

Graduation Requirements

In order to graduate the student needs to complete the studies in accordance to the curriculum.

Mode of Study

This Master's degree programme is 60 credits in extent and it takes 1-1.5 years to complete (it is possible to graduate in 1 one). The studies are mainly on-line courses including 3 intensive study weeks in Finland (4 days per week). It is possible to study on this master's programme while working full-time.

Development of the Programme

The curriculum and implementation of courses are developed in cooperation with working life experts. Student feedback is collected regularly and applied constantly. Alumni feedback is collected regularly.

Master's Degree in Risk Management and Circular Economy (Natural Resources)
Master's Degree in Risk Management and Circular Economy (Natural Resources)
Master's Degree in Risk Management and Circular Economy
Master's Degree in Risk Management and Circular Economy
Enrolment period

06.08.2023 - 04.09.2023


05.09.2023 - 31.07.2024


30 - 60

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

0 - 2

Degree programmes
  • Master's Degree Programme in Risk Management and Circular Economy (Natural Resources)

Content (course unit)

You can enroll to path studies if you hold a Bachelor of Natural Resources degree or other suitable higher education degree.

Studies consist of first semester (or year) studies of the degree programme (30-60 credits).

You will study full time in the degree programme´s student group and there are 2 places in the group for Open UAS Path Students. Dents a
re reserved two (2) study places in the group.
The enrollment will start on 2 August at 9 am and end on 3 August at 11.59 pm. If there are still study places left after the enrollment period ends, the period may be prolonged. The registration form can be found on this page. Places are filled on a first come, first served basis and registration is done in our online store.

Study fee
The fee for the open path studies is 300 euros. You pay 150 € when enrolling and 150 € will be invoiced in September.

The fee for the first year is the same for all students. If you apply to become a degree student and are not an EU/EEA student, you will have a tuition fee like all the other non-EU/EEA –students.

Path studies in English require good oral and written English language skills.

The studies consist of individual work, group assignments and intensive weeks. You are expected to take part full time during the intensive weeks.
1. intensive week: 5 - 8 September 2023 starting at 9 a.m.
2. intensive week: 9 - 12 January 2024
3. intensive week: 16 - 19 April 2024
Degree application and student selection
You can apply for admission to the degree programme based on your Open UAS studies. If you start path studies in the autumn 2023, you will be able to apply to become a degree student already early October this year. The application is called “Open Path Application” and can be found in
Required amount of credit points for the application is 15. If you cannot complete the required amount of credit points by December 31, you can go on studying as an Open University student and apply again in early May 2024 in
Student selection is made considering your completed amount of credit points and study success. Study success means the GPA of the studies completed during your Open UAS Path Studies. If necessary, students are placed in order by their GPA (highest to lowest). Please note that when applying for the YAMK/ Master’s degree, you must also meet the prior higher education degree and work experience requirements.
Student Benefits
Open UAS students cannot receive Kela’s financial aid for students or any other student benefits. If you are a customer of TE Services, you should check your study right with them before signing up for Open UAS studies.

Assessment scale
