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Master's Degree Programme in Serial TV Scriptwriting

Master of Culture and Arts

Degree title:
Master of Culture and Arts

60 ects

Qualification Awarded and the Level of Qualification

Master of Culture and Arts, EQF 7

Contact Information

Teppo Nuutinen, Head of Degree Programme

Maija Joensuu, Student Councellor

Special Admission Requirements

Bachelor of Culture and Arts or other suitable higher education degree and a minimum of three years' work experience in the field after completion of the degree.

Recognition of Prior Learning

It is possible for students to have their prior competence recognised.
See TAMK’s credit transfer guidelines

Qualification Requirements and Regulations

Completion of curriculum studies and achievement of related competence objectives.
Further information:
TAMK Degree Regulations.
Ministry of Education and Culture.

Profile of the Programme

The degree is a master-level professional higher education degree. The degree complies with the criteria set by the Finnish national degree system as well as with the European framework for degrees and other competence.

Key Learning Outcomes

The degree programme will provide specialised expertise in the analysis, ideation, conceptualisation, writing, presentation, and sales of serialized TV scriptwriting. The student knows the job roles in TV series scriptwriting and can work in a collaborative Writers' Room environment.

In the thesis project, the student plans and creates a concept package for their own television series, summarising the idea and key elements of the series. Additionally, the student will compile a thesis report critically analysing their creative process, the themes of the series, and the content choices.

Occupational Profiles of Graduates with Examples

After completing their studies, students can work as scriptwriters in various series projects. Upon graduation, they can work as freelancers, entrepreneurs, or employees in various employment relationships in companies within the industry.

Access to Further Studies

The student may apply for doctoral studies at a university.

Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading

Assessment of study performances is based on TAMK’s assessment criteria The detailed assessment criteria can be found in course implementation plans. The teaching and assessment methods are agreed on with students at the beginning of each course.
TAMK Degree Regulations

Graduation Requirements

Completion of studies and achievement of competence objectives in the extent set by the curriculum.

Mode of Study

Television series are developed in writer groups, which is why collaborative work is a central learning method in the studies. Students operate in a so-called Writers' Room, an internationally recognised practice for group writing of series.

The courses of the program are organised within one academic year, with 2-4 teaching days per month. These sessions can be either in-person or conducted through remote teaching.

Development of the Programme

The curriculum follows the European and national framework for higher education qualifications (NQF and EQF). Education is planned and implemented in close collaboration with the working life. Student and alumni feedback survey results are also taken into account.

Master's Degree in Serial TV Scriptwriting