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Master's Degree Programme in Screenwriting

Kulttuurialan ylempi ammattikorkeakoulututkinto

Medianomi (ylempi AMK)

60 op

Tutkintonimike ja tutkinnon taso

Master of Culture and Arts


Ari Koivumäki yliopettaja, p. 050 590 9312
tai hakijapalvelut

Hakukelpoisuus ja hakeminen

Hakijalla tulee olla kulttuurialan amk- tai kandidaatin tutkinto ja tämän jälkeen hankittu kahden vuoden työkokemus alalta.

Aiemmin hankitun osaamisen tunnustaminen

Tutkintovaatimukset ja niitä koskevat säännöt

Tutkinnon profiili

Tavoitteena on kouluttaa käsikirjoittajia, jotka osaavat kehittää innovatiivisia ja luovia, kaupallisesti elinvoimaisia käsikirjoituksia. Opinnoissa perehdytään elokuvagenreihin ja siihen miten tämä edesauttaa omien tekstien markkinointia. Koulutuksen aikana kirjoitetaan joko yhden pitkän elokuvan käsikirjoitus tai kuusiosaisen tv-sarjan konsepti ja kahden osan käsikirjoitukset.


Ylempi ammattikorkeakoulututkinto tuottaa saman kelpoisuuden julkisiin virkoihin ja tehtäviin kuin yliopistossa suoritettu ylempi korkeakoulututkinto.

Opintosuoritukset ja niiden arviointi


Opintojen toteuttaminen

Koulutus tapahtuu englannin kielellä. Sähköisenä oppimisympäristönä Tabula. Opiskelu on mahdollista töiden ohessa, sillä osa opinnoista voidaan suorittaa etäopintoina.

Tutkinnon kehittäminen

MA in Screenwriting
MA in Screenwriting
MA in Screenwriting
MA in Screenwriting

MA in Screenwriting

02.07.2023 - 31.07.2023


14.08.2023 - 31.12.2023


15 op


8 op


15 op


47 % Lähiopetus, 53 % Etäopetus


Screenwriting YAMK


TAMK Mediapolis

  • Englanti

10 - 20

  • Master's Degree Programme in Screenwriting
  • Anne Orioni
  • Media-ala Virtuaalihenkilö
  • Arto Koskinen
  • Ari Koivumäki

Leena Mäkelä

  • 23MMA
    MA in Screenwriting YAMK

Tavoitteet (OJ)

To develop students understanding of the centrality of a variety of genres to film, distribution and consumption. To develop a critical understanding of genre as a categorizing methodology within film studies. To develop a systematic understanding of genre and its relationship to audience expectation and reception of film material.

Sisältö (OJ)

The module gives a hands-on introduction to storytelling tradition. It covers ideating, conceptualizing, pitching, outlining and step-outlining story as well as developing character arch and making use of turning points, understanding screenplay structure composed of acts, sequences and scenes and using film and screenplay analysis as screenwriter’s tool.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

1 = approved; half of the course tasks submitted; some misunderstandings finalizing the tasks; attendance level low; no feedback to peers and teacher
2 = satisfactory; more than half of the course tasks submitted; quality of tasks below average; attendance level low or average; hardly any feedback to peers and teacher(s)

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

3 = good; all course tasks submitted and done in an average way; course attendance and feedback to peers and/or teacher satisfactory
4 = very good; all tasks finalized and submitted correctly in due time; good course attendance and activity; active feedback to peers and teacher

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

5 = excellent; all tasks done in an outstanding way and submitted on schedule; high attendance and activity; active and well-thought feedback to peers and teacher

Aika ja paikka

4.9. –7. 9. 2023 Orientation day and 3 contact days (4 altogether). General introduction. Developing ideas, concepts, and outlines for screenplays.
Week starting 11.9. Independent work Developing story, concept and outline for the screenplay
19. - 21.9. 3 contact days. Analysis of film/screenplay practice
Week starting 2.10. Independent work Developing sequence- and step-outline for the screenplay
10.-12.10. 3 contact days: Screenplay Analysis; Feedbacking and Developing Students Ideas; Outline Assignment
Week starting 16.10. Independent work Rewriting and preparing the concept and outline
24-26.10 3 contact days. Checking and developing story, concept, and outlines
Week starting 30.10. Independent work Preparing an analysis
7.-9.11. 3 contact days: Film Analysis; Outline Assignment Feedback
Week starting 13.11 Independent work: Writing the actual first screenplay version
THE DEFINITE DEADLINE FOR CONCEPT AND OUTLINE VERSIONS IS NOV 17th 10 AM ‘Outline versions’ = outline + sequence outline + step-outline
21.-23.11. 3 contact days: Writing television series in the age of Netflix, HBO ..
28. -30.11. 3 contact days: Checking the screenplays (stories, concepts, and outlines) done during the autumn season and preparing the independent writing of the first screenplay versions).



Opiskelumuodot ja opetusmenetelmät

Module 1: Forms and Genres (15 cr)
4th September – 2nd December 2023

The module gives a hands-on introduction to storytelling tradition. It covers ideating, conceptualizing, pitching, outlining and step-outlining story as well as developing character arch and making use of turning points, understanding screenplay structure composed of acts, sequences and scenes and using film and screenplay analysis as screenwriter’s tool. Students will also start to write a self-analytical document of their writing process.


We recommend that you read Snyder (the first STC at least) and Truby as early as possible, ideally before the course starts:
Save the Cat (I-III), Blake Snyder, Michael Wiese Productions, 2010
Anatomy of Story, John Truby, Faber & Faber, 2011
The Writer’s Journey, Christopher Vogler, Michael Wiese Productions, 2007
The Soul Of Screenwriting, Keith Cunningham, Continuum, 2008
Screenwriting Updated, Linda Aronson, Silman-James, 2010
Aristotle's Poetics for Screenwriters, Michael Tierno, Hyperion 2002
On Filmmaking, Alexander Mackendrick [ed Paul Cronin], Faber & Faber, 2004
Three Uses of the Knife, David Mamet, Vintage, 2000
Story, Robert McKee, Methuen, 1998


05.08.2023 - 03.09.2023


04.09.2023 - 31.07.2024


30 - 60




TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti

0 - 2

  • Master's Degree Programme in Screenwriting
    Avoin amk

Sisältö (OJ)

You can enroll to path studies if you hold hold a Bachelor of Culture and Arts or other suitable higher education degree.

Studies consist of first semester (or year) studies of the degree programme (30-60 credits).

You will study full time in the degree programme´s student group and there are 2 places in the group for Open UAS Path Students. Dents a
re reserved two (2) study places in the group.
The enrollment will start on 2 August at 9 am and end on 3 August at 11.59 pm. If there are still study places left after the enrollment period ends, the period may be prolonged. The registration form can be found on this page. Places are filled on a first come, first served basis and registration is done in our online store.

Study fee
The fee for the open path studies is 300 euros. You pay 150 € when enrolling and 150 € will be invoiced in September.

The fee for the first year is the same for all students. If you apply to become a degree student and are not an EU/EEA student, you will have a tuition fee like all the other non-EU/EEA –students.

Path studies in English require good oral and written English language skills.

Studies start on 4th September 2023 at 10.00 on TAMK Mediapolis campus.
The contact teaching days are mostly on Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday at 10.00-13.00 and at 14.00-17.00 and run at Mediapolis campus - at least the first week and the Erasmus week 25. 9. – 29.9. Part of the studies can be organized as distant learning, but the confirmation of distant / on campus teaching will be informed later

Degree application and student selection
You can apply for admission to the degree programme based on your Open UAS studies. If you start path studies in the autumn 2023, you will be able to apply to become a degree student already early October this year. The application is called “Open Path Application” and can be found in
Required amount of credit points for the application is 15. If you cannot complete the required amount of credit points by December 31, you can go on studying as an Open University student and apply again in early May 2024 in
Student selection is made considering your completed amount of credit points and study success. Study success means the GPA of the studies completed during your Open UAS Path Studies. If necessary, students are placed in order by their GPA (highest to lowest). Please note that when applying for the YAMK/ Master’s degree, you must also meet the prior higher education degree and work experience requirements.
Student Benefits
Open UAS students cannot receive Kela’s financial aid for students or any other student benefits. If you are a customer of TE Services, you should check your study right with them before signing up for Open UAS studies.




23.09.2023 - 22.10.2023


01.10.2023 - 31.03.2024


15 op


13 op


15 op


14 % Lähiopetus, 86 % Etäopetus


Screenwriting YAMK


TAMK Mediapolis

  • Englanti

10 - 20

  • Master's Degree Programme in Screenwriting
  • Anne Orioni
  • Ari Koivumäki
  • Arto Koskinen
  • Ari Koivumäki

Leena Mäkelä

  • 23MMA
    MA in Screenwriting YAMK

Tavoitteet (OJ)

To develop knowledge and understanding of script development processes and methodologies and to apply these knowledges in practice. To develop the analytical and evaluative skills necessary for a critical appraisal of script texts in relation to their concept; originality; narrative action; character development; genre placement and market viability.
To develop an extensive understanding of the specific nature of the feature film as a creative form of storytelling and to exhibit that understanding in the practice of scriptwriting. At the end of the module students will be able to understand the form of the narrative film text in relationship to idea, content, structure, character, narrative scale, visualisation and European/Trans-Atlantic/global marketability, understand the distinguishing characteristics between feature film form and that of television storytelling, create original feature script ideas within the parameters of the European/Trans-Atlantic film industry, comprehend and execute the script development process within its creative and industrial context. Understand how production processes in the film industry impact upon script assessment, selection and development in order to have the ability to construct commissioning strategies for feature film projects. Have the knowledge of the of the film industry’s working methodologies and it’s economic, legal, funding and distribution. Create original script texts.

Sisältö (OJ)

In the module Storytelling and the Moving Image, you will complete one feature length film script and make an exercise for building a concept for tv-series max six episodes. Writing memorable scenes with strong characters, describing essential action and writing dialogue as action of character, making use of subtext and understanding the deep structure of theme and metaphor as well as the use of visual arena and telling details are the key elements in this module.

Esitietovaatimukset (OJ)

Following on from module Forms and genres.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

1 = approved; half of the course tasks submitted; some misunderstandings finalizing the tasks; attendance level low; no feedback to peers and teacher
2 = satisfactory; more than half of the course tasks submitted; quality of tasks below average; attendance level low or average; hardly any feedback to peers and teacher(s)

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

3 = good; all course tasks submitted and done in an average way; course attendance and feedback to peers and/or teacher satisfactory
4 = very good; all tasks finalized and submitted correctly in due time; good course attendance and activity; active feedback to peers and teacher

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

5 = excellent; all tasks done in an outstanding way and submitted on schedule; high attendance and activity; active and well-thought feedback to peers and teacher

Arviointikriteerit, hyväksytty/hylätty (OJ)

Not approved
0 = Fail; less than half of the course tasks submitted and/or done incorrectly; no or hardly any attendance; no feedback to peers and teacher(s)

Aika ja paikka

December 2023 Independent work Writing the screenplay ACT I, II and III
January 2024 Independent work Writing the screenplay ACT I, II and III
Deadline for the step-outline, Act I and Act II for 12th Jan
16. - 18.1. 3 contact days (first altogether and then in two groups):
Developing the screenplay version
23.1. or 25.1. group 1 contact day Developing the screenplay version
30.1. or 1.2. 1 contact day, Developing the screenplay version
6.2. or 8.2. 1 contact day, Developing the screenplay version
Deadline for Act I, Act II and Act III for 16th of Feb
14.2 Writing the television series on zoom starts once a week on Wednesdays running five times (14.2; 21.2; 28.2; 13.3; 20.3) before Master Class 25-28.3.
20.2 or 22.2 1 contact day, Developing the screenplay version
Week starting 26.2. Independent work Rewriting the screenplay (Screenplay versions 1, 2 etc.)
Week starting 4.3. Tampere Film Festival
12.3. or 14.3. 1 contact day, Developing the screenplay
25. - 28.3. Master Class: 4 contact days. Checking the assignments and developing the concepts, outlines (season and episode outlines).
1.4. - 14.5. Independent work Working on the television series and the Screenplay. THE DEFINITE DEADLINE for screenplay version completed is April 14th
May 2 Days Blended Intensive Program workshop (online)



Opiskelumuodot ja opetusmenetelmät

In the module Storytelling and the Moving Image, you will complete one feature length film script and make an exercise for building a concept for tv-series max six episodes. Writing memorable scenes with strong characters, describing essential action, and writing dialogue as action of character, making use of subtext, and understanding the deep structure of theme and metaphor as well as the use of visual arena and telling details are the key elements in this module. During this term, one day per week will be dedicated to workshops – students will be expected to write their feature scripts full-time for the rest of the week. The scripts will be written to the second-draft stage. There will be a module on TV series concept starting 14. Feb once a week e.g., in Zoom running five times before a Master Class with four contact days on 25. - 28. March. Towards the end of the term, students will decide on their final project, which will be either rewritten version of their feature length screenplay draft completed on April 14th, or a concept for a TV series consisting of the series bible with major storylines and character arcs, 1st season outline, outlines of six episodes, and 2nd drafts of episode 1 & 2 scripts.


Aristotle, Poetics, Penguin Classics, 1996
Linda Aronson, Screenwriting Updated, Silman-James Press, 2001
Pat Cooper and Ken Dancyger, Writing the Short Film, Focal Press 2000.
Linda J Cowgill, Writing Short Films, Falcon Press 1997.
Ken Dancyger and Jeff Rush, Alternative Screenwriting Third Edition, Focal Press, 2002.
Syd Field, The Screenwriter’s Workbook, Dell Trade, 1987.
Robert McKee, Story, Methuen, 1999.
Phil Parker, The Art and Science of Screenwriting, Intellect Books, 2000.
William H Phillips, Writing Short Scripts, Syracuse University Press 1991.
Christopher Vogler, The Writer’s Journey, Michael Wiese Productions, 1998.